Thursday, July 29, 2010

Little mans restless but has awhile before his next feed, I think it's probably wind, he's having infacol to help with it, its helping but its not 100% effective.

It's a little weird being a parent again. He's the first child with my wife, but I have two from a previous relationship, I see them as much as I can but I still feel that I miss out on so much of their lives, its hard being away from them and makes me have doubts about how I'm going to be a father to my new son, or if the relationship is going to fall apart and the sames going to happen, and I'll miss out on alot of his life. It's also a juggling act trying to make sure that my other two children don't feel left out or jealous as my new son is able to spend so much time with me {everyday}.

I'm pretty lucky as my other two children have inherited some of my laid back attitude and have adjusted to the situation quite well, and they love their new baby brother. My son who's 4 is sort of "he's nice, but I'm more than interested in my toys". My daughter who's nearly 7 is so interested, she wants to help with feeds, she helps wind him by patting him on the back, she wants to know how to change his nappies and helps by getting his clothes when he's getting changed. She's a sweetheart with him, definitely getting into her big sister role.

In other news, I'm waiting to find out if I've been accepted on the uni course I've applied for, added to that I'm worried that if I do get accepted how I will pay for it as the student finance people still have to process my claim, hopefully it will be sorted soon!?!

Till next time, hope life treats you all well.

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